Lakes area Lions combine roars

Lion Paul Kronbergs, incoming president of the new Spicewood & Highland Lakes Lions Club, receives his Boss Lion hat from outgoing Marble Falls Noon Lions Club President Lion Edna Lowry. Her club, now merged with the Spicewood Lions Club will draw members from 200 square miles of the Highland Lakes area.
Two local clubs of Lions International began roaring together this month.
On July 1, the Marble Falls Noon Lions Club and the Spicewood Lions Club merged to form the Spicewood & Highland Lakes Lions Club.
The merger gives both clubs greater resources to serve the residents of more than 200 square miles now encompassed by the new club.
“Within the combined area of our two clubs there are many community organizations that need our financial support and many other causes that need our time and effort,” said new President Paul Kronbergs. “By joining forces we are better equipped to serve that need. Our motto has always been 'We Serve' and we will continue to live up to that wherever we are.”
The merged club has nearly 60 members from Marble Falls, Spicewood, Horseshoe Bay, Cottonwood Shores, Granite Shoals, Meadowlakes and Smithwick. They will serve needs in Burnet, Blanco and Travis counties and can be found on the shores of Lakes Travis, Marble Falls and LBJ.
“Where there is a need there is a Lion,” said Kronbergs.
“Being a Lion is about having fun serving your community,” said David Almond, outgoing president of Spicewood Lions Club and Zone chairman. “For example, we have a number of musicians within the club and all performed at the July 4th Parade and Picnic. BB Morse, Ross Rainey and the SpaceBenders and Mark Johnson and CJ entertained the crowds, but that is not the only time they entertain as Lions. We have parties, Texas 71 cleanup, golf tournament fund raisers, parties and much much more.”
“Lions can give as much or as little time as they can afford,” Almond said. “It is not a major commitment but every little bit helps the communities. We meet the first Thursday and third Tuesday evenings in Spicewood and the second Tuesday lunchtime in Marble Falls and will shortly begin an evening meeting in the Marble Falls-Horseshoe Bay area.
“This merger is much needed by our club to enable us to better serve Marble Falls and to bring younger people into the club,” said Edna Lowry, outgoing Marble Falls Lions Club president. “Both clubs have their signature projects, such as the Warm Coats for Kids in Marble Falls or the Spicewood July 4th Parade and Picnic.
“These projects and other existing projects will continue and be added to. The combined resources of both clubs will work to benefit our communities.”
To learn more about becoming a member of Spicewood & Highland Lakes Lions visit www.HighlandLakesLions.Club, visit a meeting or call membership director Mark Johnson, 830-798-5645.