Horseshoe Bay to discuss comprehensive report at meeting

Horseshoe Bay City Council members will discuss the city's 2016 draft comprehensive report, hold a public hearing on it and consider adopting the report during the next council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 18.
The meeting will be held at 3 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 1 Community Drive, Horseshoe Bay.
The plan is the work of the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee, which was appointed by the council in 2015 to develop the plan in order to identify goals the city can work to achieve in order to meet its mission “to serve and protect our citizens while preserving our heritage and Planning Advisory for our future.”
The committee conducting nearly 100 interviews with local individuals to identify the challenges and opportunities facing Horseshoe Bay that needed to be addressed in the long-range plan. A community survey was also conducted with nearly 1,400 responses providing insight into what the community identified as priorities.
This resulted in the identification of 23 goals which have been divided into five broad topics, which include:
* Infrastructure and Technology, specifically broadband internet and water.
* Land Use, including issues related to future development, zoning and transportation.
* Economic Development, including issues related to growth and diversification of the local economy.
* Environment, including Lake LBJ, recycling and tree health.
* Community Services, including issues related to parks and recreation as well as the city's appearance and citizens' quality of life.
The following have been identified as the city's High Priority Goals
Expand broadband internet access and cellular coverage.
Review and update Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
Identify areas most suitable for new commercial and retail development.
Ensure high standards for code enforcement, development standards, and common area landscaping.
Support the addition of a center lane on FM 2147.
Provide additional public recreational amenities.
Protect the environmental health and integrity of Lake LBJ.
Manage economic growth tailored to HSB’s unique demographics and characteristics.
Be proactive in water conservation and management.
The following were identified as the city's mid-range goals:
Be proactive in monitoring and addressing deteriorating buildings.
Adopt a city residential and commercial construction drainage ordinance.
Develop a Tree Ordinance to protect tree health and community appearance.
Develop short term rental policy.
Provide resources for ACC compliance and enforcement.
Explore options for additional connection to SH 71.
Expand community outreach and education.
Explore alternative funding sources.
Protect and enhance community appearance.
The following Low Priority Goals were identified:
Support the development of a bridge below Wirtz Dam
Support senior housing options
Explore options to determine the best use for undeveloped lots
Become a leader in efficient recycling and waste management services
Review and update the Annexation Plan
Citizens are invited to review the plan online at and to attend Tuesday's meeting.
Members of the Long Range Planning Committee include Chairman Jim Long, Vice Chairman John Bird, Forrest Colvin, Ted Hess, Lynette Morrison, Bud Nichols, Larry Stahl, Mike Thuss and Steve Varga.