Llano County Commissioners propose 2019-20 budget, tax rate



By Phil Reynolds
Contributing Writer

Llano County commissioners Monday, Aug. 12, tentatively approved a proposed fiscal year 2020 budget and tax rate while sending an applicant for a tiny home project back for more work and continuing a county-wide burn ban.

The proposed budget is $16,413,765, with a proposed tax rate of 31.41 cents per $100 property valuation. But those are only proposed numbers and are still in the talking stages. Monday’s record vote gives residents a pretty good idea of how next year’s budget will shake out.

The proposed budget is about 1.6 percent higher than the current budget. The proposed rate is 2.76 cents higher than the current rate.

Commissioners will hold hearings on next year’s tax rate on Monday, Aug. 19, and Monday, Aug. 28, and a hearing on the budget Monday, Sept. 9. All hearings are set for 9 a.m. in the Justice of the Peace court room in the county Law Enforcement Center, 2001 N. State Hwy. 16 in Llano.

Would-be developers of a tiny home plot in Kingsland got rebuffed for the third time Monday when commissioners removed the item from the agenda over concerns about the project contract.

Because the property is owned by one person but the project application is filed by another, “You’re asking us to approve something for someone who doesn’t own the land,” Precinct 2 Commissioner Linda Raschke pointed out.

The project ran into objections originally because under development regulations, tiny home projects have to be filed as RV parks. That brought neighbors out in protest until they learned the real nature of the project. So far, it’s been before commissioners three times.

And commissioners continued a county-wide burn ban they imposed last meeting.

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