Granite Shoals citizens dived on no-wake zone
Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Lakeside property owners at Crockett Park in Granite Shoals are split on whether the no-wake zone for Clear Cove created by the city with LCRA support actually solves dangerous boating behavior.
By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer
The Granite Shoals Police Department is seeking alternative solutions to safety concerns at Clear Cove after some citizens objected to the entire cove remaining a no-wake zone.
At the Sept. 24 regular city council meeting, Granite Shoals Police Chief Gary Boshears presented the department's reasoning for the buoys placed by the Lower Colorado River Authority in June regulating speed on that portion of Lake LBJ after receiving several pages of emails about the decision.
The interlocal agreement with LCRA was approved at the May 28 city council meeting, and the buoys were installed during the second week of July. . . .
Find the rest of this story in the Tuesday, Oct. 1 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a news tip or comment, email To subscribe to the publication, call 830-693-4367 or click here to subscribe to our E-edition online.