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Granite Shoals news




Granite Shoals chief reviews 'use of force' policy

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

In light of national events, Granite Shoals Police Chief Gary Boshears provided a public overview of the department's use of force policy to inform citizens how officers are expected to handle public interactions.

“We have ongoing conversations about current events,” Boshears told the council at the June 9 regular meeting held via video teleconference. … Email


Granite Shoals council appoints new member

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Granite Shoals council members appointed Libby Edwards to the city council to replace Todd Holland, who resigned on April 21 after moving outside of the city.

The council interviewed four applicants for the vacant seat at a special meeting on May 19 held via video teleconference. In accordance with the city charter, the council must appoint a replacement to a vacated place within 30 days.

As the re-opening unfolds, he and his staff are relying on cooperation from members as well. …


Marble Falls ISD graduation ceremony will 'look different' this year

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Contributed/Damon Adams
Marble Falls High School Principal Damon Adams, along with a team of district administrators, visited the homes of seniors to deliver graduation awards and yard signs honoring those that finished in the top 10 percent of the 2020 class, including Ben Anderson (pictured here).





By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Marble Falls Independent School District administrators are dedicated to an in-person graduation for seniors, but due to COVID-19 prevention measures, the ceremony will have restrictions on attendance and format.

The district will hold its celebration of the 2020 class on the original graduation date of Friday, May 29 with an 8 p.m. start time for Marble Falls High School and a 6 p.m. start time for Falls Career High School. …


Granite Shoals discusses eminent domain for new water tower

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

After setbacks for the city of Granite Shoals' plans to purchase land for a new water tower, the council floated the idea of securing desired plots using eminent domain.

Councilman Terry Scott asked at the Tuesday, May 5 special called council meeting if the municipality could exercise their ability outlined in the Texas Constitution to compel landowners to sell private property located next to the existing water tower. …


Granite Shoals to fill vacated council position

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Granite Shoals city leaders set their sights on qualified candidates to fill the empty seat left by one councilman's resignation.

Councilman Todd Holland submitted his letter of resignation on April 21 to be effective immediately due to the sale of his Granite Shoals home and subsequent relocation outside of the city limits. …


Community rallies for 2020 Marble Falls HS seniors

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Marble Falls High School senior Bryce Laake was 'adopted' by Sherry Warren of Marble Falls who sent him a customized gift basket.



By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Over 1,300 people have found a virtual gathering place to show non-traditional support for the 2020 Marble Falls High School senior class in order to replace a potential loss of a traditional graduation.


Granite Shoals extends disaster declaration to September 30

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

The Granite Shoals City Council voted unanimously to extend the city's declaration of emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic until at least Sept. 30 with the option of rescinding the order at any time.

Council members debated an appropriate date for the extension at a special called meeting on April 21 held via video teleconference. …


Marble Falls and Horseshoe Bay sales tax receipts fall

By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

Sales tax allocations for Marble Falls for April dropped by more than 6 percent, while HSB sales tax revenues were down more than 14 percent — and that does not include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Marble Falls ISD runners continue training with virtual coach

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Nathan Hendrix/The Highlander
Prohibition of formal practices haven't changed much for Marble Falls High School long-distance runners. Coach Chris Schrader charges the athletes with self-guided workouts even when school is in session. MFHS runners Bryer Atkinson, Chris Talamantez, Bryce Atkinson, Jennifer Arreguin and Sayra Salazar met with Burnet High School runner Hudson Bennett at Granite Park in Granite Shoals on the morning of Wednesday, April 8 for a run around the Manzano Hike Bike and Run Trail.







By Nathan Hendrix
Sports Editor

Texas schools are closed until at least May 4, and athletic events are put on hold. However, the long-distance runners at Marble Falls High School are taking great strides to ensure they're ready when competition returns.

MFHS running coach Chris Schrader is no stranger to coaching remotely due to his experience training State champions from several towns away. Now he's applying those techniques to ensure his athletes stick to the program while he can't coach them face-to-face. …


Marble Falls ISD promotes free Wi-Fi access for students

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Lew K. Cohn/The Highlander
A Marble Falls ISD bus sits in the parking lot at the Church at Horseshoe Bay, 600 Hi Ridge Road, as a 'hot spot' to provide free wireless internet access to students.




Special to The Highlander

Marble Falls Independent School District has placed buses with Wi-Fi access around the Highland Lakes community to help students access the internet, while school closures continue due to COVID-19 restrictions.


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