OLLI lifelong learning




TTU lifelong learning kicks off for fall

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The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), will hold its kick-off event for the fall semester classes on Friday, Sept. 9.

The Texas Tech University (TTU) program offers opportunities for local citizens 50 years of age and older who have a common interest in continuing their learning experiences and intellectual stimulation in an organization of like-minded people who value the joy of learning.

The OLLI kick-off event will be held in coordination with the first class of the semester entitled, “Pop Music of the 1950s.” The instructor Larry Hess, a professional musician, will teach a class about the rhythm and blues and early rock and roll of the 1950’s. A toe-tapping time is guaranteed. Poodle skirts and duck tails are optional.

The event is free of charge and set to take place from 2-5 p.m. Sept. 9 at Quail Point Community Center, located at 107 Twilight Lane, (off Red Sails) in Horseshoe Bay..

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