TTU lifelong learning kicks off for fall

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), will hold its kick-off event for the fall semester classes on Friday, Sept. 9.
The Texas Tech University (TTU) program offers opportunities for local citizens 50 years of age and older who have a common interest in continuing their learning experiences and intellectual stimulation in an organization of like-minded people who value the joy of learning.
The OLLI kick-off event will be held in coordination with the first class of the semester entitled, “Pop Music of the 1950s.” The instructor Larry Hess, a professional musician, will teach a class about the rhythm and blues and early rock and roll of the 1950’s. A toe-tapping time is guaranteed. Poodle skirts and duck tails are optional.
The event is free of charge and set to take place from 2-5 p.m. Sept. 9 at Quail Point Community Center, located at 107 Twilight Lane, (off Red Sails) in Horseshoe Bay..
“We are elated to co-sponsor and encourage membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for our community members age 50 and over,” said Kelly Fox, PhD, director of the TTU regional sites. “OLLI is an important part of Texas Tech’s presence and outreach in the Hill Country region,” she added. “There are no tests, no grades, no research papers – just intellectual stimulation.”
“Most other OLLI classes will be held at the Frank Fickett Education Center at 806 Steve Hawkins Parkway in Marble Falls.”
Some of the classes for the Fall 2016 semester will include:
Behind the Scene: The Business of Art
Crime Scene Investigation Fact and Fantasy
Demystifying Popular Diets
What is Your Hair Saying About You?
Digestive Wellness: The Link Between Aging and Digestive Disorders
For information about becoming a OLLI member and a listing of classes, visit the Hill Country links found on the TTU website at: or call Alice Boyd in the OLLI office at 830-990-4948.
The Bernard Osher Foundation created OLLI across the country to provide financial support for lifelong learning. OLLI in the Hill Country is a partnership between three Texas Tech University sites in Highland Lakes (in Marble Falls), Fredericksburg and Junction. The Institute is self-sustaining through membership dues, class fees, an endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation, and donations and in-kind support from Texas Tech University.