Flash Flood Watch issued



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A new flash flood watch has been issued by the National Weather Service indicating areas inside the dash border as most vulnerable to flash flooding through Thursday, June 2: http://bit.ly/1r189p3

The National Weather service has issued a new Flash Flood Watch in effect for All of South Central Texas through at least Thursday morning due to oncoming heavy rainfall.
Particularly of concern are areas that have seen significant rainfall over the past week. Widespread additional rainfall in amounts of from 3-6 inches, with a few locations of up to 10 inches, is predicted. 
Several locations may experience major flooding with flood waters capable of causing rivers and tributaries to overflow their banks in several places. Small streams, creeks, canals, and ditches become dangerous rivers with flood waters spreading well away from the banks. Widespread inundation of  both primary and secondary roads with some long term closures is possible.
Streets and parking lots become rivers of moving water, the alert states.  Flood waters may prompt many evacuations and road closures with potentially numerous homes and businesses threatened. Rescues may be necessary.
Some severe thunderstorms are possible during the period, but hail and tornado threat is considered unlikely.
A slow moving upper low will enhance the storm threats and with the rain that has already fallen the past week. The weather pattern will not change much all the way through the end of the week,with rain chances and totals possibly increasing further than the 3-6 and isolated 10 inches.  
Most area lakes are now full and the continued flow into the lakes will only increase the flooding threat.
Although multiple rounds of storms, some during the day, some at night, are expected, no pinpoint times and locations or heaviest rain predictions could be made.
“We do know that ongoing storms in the Hill Country early this afternoon will bring a flash flood threat already today and tonight,” said the alert.
“Please take precautionary actions now by looking at staffing, equipment, plans, etc.  Be prepared, A bullseye of high rain totals can develop quickly and if in the wrong place at the wrong time, can bring significant impacts.
“Like we have seen, much of Texas is also flooding and under the gun with this flooding potential.  Resources may be stretched. The flooding threat this week is region or even state wide.”
The confidence level for flash flooding and river flooding was rated as “High.”
Turn Around, Don't Drown: South Central Texas is known as Flash Flood Alley more people die in flash flooding than any other weather hazard. 
Do not drive around barricades, it is against the law, and deadly. 
Driving at night in heavy rain is particularly dangerous. The majority of flash flood fatalities occur in vehicles driven at night. 
In these conditions, flooding and road closures will continue days after the rainfall has ended.
Be "Weather Aware" as any given day or night this week, thunderstorms may form and quickly produce 2-3 inches of rain in less than an hour. 
With the start of the summer recreational activities and increased flows in area creeks and rivers, outdoor enthusiasts such as campers, kayakers, tubers, etc will be at greater risk.  During these strong flow conditions head the warnings and closures that local officials have in place.
Hear the report at: http://bit.ly/1r189p3.  More safety and TADD information can be found on...http://www.floodsafety.noaa.gov.
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