Horseshoe Bay Business Alliance Community Coffee attracts interest

Photos by Donald Eckelbarger & Janice Cleavinger
Contributing WritersA view of some of the HSBBA members and guests who listened to the three Pastry Sponsors talk about their businesses.
By Donald Eckelbarger and Janice Cleavinger
Special to The Highlander
The Horseshoe Bay Business Alliance (HSBBA) held its Aug. 27 Community Coffee at Arrowhead Bank in Horseshoe Bay, attracting another large gathering of business leaders and residents.
Bittersweet Cakes and Catering provided the morning treats, which included an assortment of mini muffins and a delicious egg, sausage and cheese casserole that really tempted guests to have second helpings.
HSBBA President Patsy Wiley welcomed several “first-timers” to the coffee and thanked Arrowhead Bank for hosting this month’s event. Bank manager Bobbie Lou Gray expressed her appreciation for the large turnout and introduced her staff.
Gray noted Arrowhead Bank opened its doors in Horseshoe Bay in 1996 and was the only bank in the community at the time. She said the Horseshoe Bay area is a good community, and the bank is proud to be a part of it. She added that these community coffees offer a good opportunity for people and businesses to connect.
Bill Rives gave a brief description about OLLIE, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Texas Tech University, which was named for a gentleman who saw the need to continue learning beyond the age of 50 through university programs that were enjoyable and stimulating without stressing over grades.
Rives announced Sept. 5 is the OLLIE “kick-off” reception for its fall 2019 program offering 25 courses, with the first course scheduled on Sept 12. . . .
Find the rest of this story and more images on the Horseshoe Bay Happenings page in The Highlander. Donald Eckelbarger and Janice Cleavinger are contributing writers and provide comprehensive features and event coverage of the Horseshoe Bay community. To offer a comment, email You can subcribe to our E-edition online or have The Highlander delivered by mail by calling 830-693-4367.