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Faith Academy releases graduation details

From staff reports

The Faith Academy of Marble Falls 2020 senior graduation ceremony will be limited to seniors, their families and staff, according to a press release from the school's director of academics.

Graduation will take place on Friday, May 15 at 7 p.m. at Hill Country Fellowship Church, 200 Houston Clinton Drive in Burnet. …


City of Marble Falls updates latest on flood payout

By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls City Council received an update May 5 regarding what FEMA and the Texas Municipal League have reimbursed for October 2018 flood damage and what remains to be assessed for eligibility.

City staff updated the council during a strategic retreat session, aimed at reviewing previous and setting new priorities for the municipality, following a regular city council meeting.

“Flood recovery is number one,” City Manager Mike Hodge said.


Marble Falls churches adapt to COVID-19 measures

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
RockPile Church Pastor Matt Netzgar demonstrated the sound board on May 11 that his production crew uses to help him communicate with congregants via, located at 801 Third Street in Marble Falls.





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

First United Methodist Church Pastor Ellen Ely said she believes her congregants will flock to an outdoor church service Wednesday, May 13 – the first time in several weeks they have been able to worship together in person.

“It's really strange to preach to empty pews. It's strange not to have people singing hymns,” Ely said of the alternative virtual worship services she has conducted since the state COVID-19 orders closed sanctuaries. …


Texas Army National Guard to offer free tests at Marble Falls fire hall

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
The Texas National Guard (pictured here) is hosting a COVID-19 testing sites on Tuesday, May 12 at the Marble Falls Fire Rescue fire hall.





By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

Burnet County residents can get tested for COVID-19 if they are exhibiting symptoms at a mobile test site at the Marble Falls Fire Rescue station on Tuesday, May 12.


Marble Falls ISD graduation ceremony will 'look different' this year

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Contributed/Damon Adams
Marble Falls High School Principal Damon Adams, along with a team of district administrators, visited the homes of seniors to deliver graduation awards and yard signs honoring those that finished in the top 10 percent of the 2020 class, including Ben Anderson (pictured here).





By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

Marble Falls Independent School District administrators are dedicated to an in-person graduation for seniors, but due to COVID-19 prevention measures, the ceremony will have restrictions on attendance and format.

The district will hold its celebration of the 2020 class on the original graduation date of Friday, May 29 with an 8 p.m. start time for Marble Falls High School and a 6 p.m. start time for Falls Career High School. …


U.S. representative talks COVID-19 aid

By Lew K. Cohn
Managing Editor

Congressman Roger Williams said Wednesday he believes the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and other aspects of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act are beginning to create and save thousands of jobs and small businesses throughout the country.


Granite Shoals discusses eminent domain for new water tower

By Nathan Hendrix
Staff Writer

After setbacks for the city of Granite Shoals' plans to purchase land for a new water tower, the council floated the idea of securing desired plots using eminent domain.

Councilman Terry Scott asked at the Tuesday, May 5 special called council meeting if the municipality could exercise their ability outlined in the Texas Constitution to compel landowners to sell private property located next to the existing water tower. …


Marble Falls Public Library tackles COVID-19 guidelines

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls Public Library patrons Ryan and Shari Hardy visited the facility May 7 while taking health precautions. They were greeted by library staff member Brittany Cavness.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Head Librarian Amanda Rose and her staff streamlined a strict protocol policy to re-open the venue May 4, while keeping the needs of their patrons in mind.

“We were excited about that. Basically, we're in phase 1,” she said of the Marble Falls Public Library, 101 Main St. “You'll see the (floor 'social distancing' markers), the limited capacity.

“So far the community has been so great,” she added. “They're just happy to be able to come in.
“They're very respectful, and we're happy to see their faces.” …


City of Marble Falls approves 'no boat zone'

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls City Council approved regulation of a swim area and “no boat zone” on a portion of the shoreline of Lake Marble Falls, adjacent to Lakeside Park.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Boaters and swimmers on Lake Marble Falls will need to navigate a few new rules regarding where they can travel and play on the waterway.

On May 5, the Marble Falls City Council approved regulations for water goers adjacent to Lakeside Park designating a swimming area and “no boat zone.” …


Hair and nail salons can opt to open May 8 with conditions

Special to The Highlander
Texas Governor Greg Abbott on May 5 authorized the reopening of hair and nail salons, barber shops and other establishments where licensed cosmetologists or barbers practice their trade.


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