Double Horn residents petition to dissolve city



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Officials confirmed that a group of residents from the newly-formed city of Double Horn has gathered enough signatures to ask for a second incorporation election.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

A group of Double Horn residents have petitioned for an election to dissolve the incorporation of the newly-formed municipality, alleging “no benefit” to the residents and lack of powers to control mining industry growth nearby.

Other criticisms involve the potential for loss of “freedom” and passage of resolutions including one which has indicated the potential for a cemetery.

We have ranch land around us. The city property consists of a subdivision and the quarry, there's no other land,” Double Horn resident Glen Zoerner said in an interview Aug. 9 with The Highlander. “Nobody is asking for those services. We already have a homeowners' association.”

On Friday, Aug. 2, Burnet County Elections Administrator Doug Ferguson certified the most recent petition – with signatures of 94 of 186 registered voters – the second petition submitted by residents within a year.

The move comes on the heels of the fledgling city's creation in December. In 2017 and 2018, anti-mining groups such as Spicewood Community Alliance and the Spicewood Equity Protection Alliance worked to bolster support with protests and a petition for the incorporation vote.

During the December election, the community approved incorporation by 53 percent, 75 to 65 votes. Officials took office in February. . . .

Read the rest of this story in the Tuesday, Aug. 13 issue of The Highlander, the newspaper of record for the Highland Lakes. To offer a comment or news tip, email To subscribe, call 830-693-4367.

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