City of Marble Falls




LCRA declines Marble Falls lake desilt request

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
LCRA turned down a request by the city of Marble Falls to dredge Lake Marble Falls, citing reasons. The story is on page 2A in the Friday, Oct. 18 issue of The Highlander.




By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Lower Colorado River Authority officials denied a request from the city of Marble Falls to desilt Lake Marble Falls, adding the waterway was not created for water supply storage nor lake recreation but for flood control and power generation.

LCRA General Manager Phil Wilson responded in a letter dated Oct 10. to a city council-generated request for dredging on the waterway which runs primarily through the south side of the community.


Marble Falls City Council debates water rate hike options

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls city officials are considering an average 8.5 percent water rate hike for the next few years. Part of the reason involves funding for upgrades and improvements at the w





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls City Council members suggested raising the base rate and consumption rate on water bills based on the cost projections of operating the water plant, paying off utility debt and anticipating future growth.


Marble Falls parks upgrades completion timeline unfolds

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Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls city staff unveiled a timeline Sept. 17 for the completion of the remaining parks phase 1A projects underway – part of a multi-million dollar parks improvement program.

Either completed or remaining work involves the Hays Addition/Lakeshore Drive boat ramp, the Johnson Park boat ramp and Lakeside Park landscaping and electrical work, restroom and sidewalk work and Lakeside Pavilion parking and street upgrades.


Marble Falls passes 2019-20 budget and tax rate

By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls City Council members approved the 2019-20 budget and tax rate during the regular city council meeting on Sept. 17.


Contractor to trap wildlife in Marble Falls at rabies site for testing

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls Animal Control Officer Jacey Ferguson responded recently to a report involving a stray dog roaming a neighborhood. The community is on extra alert due to a report of a rabid gray fox which chased and bit a woman in her yard.





Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

The city of Marble Falls has hired a contractor to trap and rabies test wild gray foxes near a neighborhood where a woman was attacked and bit by the creature, prompting a public alert.

The federal contractor, who lives in the Hill Country area, was scheduled to start trapping Sept. 13 in a rugged and wooded area adjacent to the 400 and 500 blocks of Avenue B and the 300 block of Sixth Street in Marble Falls.


Marble Falls police host town hall meeting for input

By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls police need the public's input during a town hall meeting Sept. 19 as agency officials update its strategic plan for equipment, technology, resources, staffing and programs.


Marble Falls Fire Rescue tours town for cancer awareness

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander


Program to polish historic Marble Falls

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Connie Swinney/The Highlander
Marble Falls staff will seek participation in 2020 in the Texas Main Street Program which provides services, resources and potential funding options for communities designated downtown structures and facilities with historic attributes.





By Connie Swinney
Staff Writer

Marble Falls city leaders approved participation starting January 2020 in Texas Main Street Program aimed at revitalizing commercial structures with historic attributes in the business district of the community.


Marble Falls hosts Fourth of July on church grounds

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The Marble Falls Community Fireworks Celebration starts with food and beverage vendors opening booths at 4 p.m. Thursday, July 4, at First Baptist Church, 901 La Ventana Drive. Live music starts at 5:30 p.m. and fireworks are at 9:15 p.m. or dusk.




Savanna Gregg
Staff Writer

The City of Marble Falls will celebrate the Fourth of July in a new location for 2019 with plenty of things to entertain people of all ages.


Marble Falls school board honors new Eagle Scouts

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Nathan Hendrix/The Highlander
Marble Falls Independent School District Board of Trustees honored local Eagle Scouts Monday, June 17 for their promotion to the highest rank of Scouts. There were 12 promoted to Eagle Scout. Six were attendance. They are pictured here with Board Members, from left Kevin Virdell, Superintendent Chris Allen, Kevin Naumann, Rick Edwards, Gary Boshears and Larry Berkman. Scout Master Mike Hodge, who is also the Marble Falls City Manager (far right) presented the Scouts and their community Eagle projects, which include working with a local church.








Nathan Hendrix/The Highlander


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